Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The changes another year brings!

Wow - how things change in a year. When last I wrote, I had just agreed to purchase a small property management brokerage, which sounded like a good idea at the time. It was, upon reflection, NOT!! Dun dun dun!!

I suppose the actual purchase could have been a good thing. However, the person we were purchasing from turned out to be a horrible individual who I hope goes away and never darkens my door again. He is awful to deal with, really. I do not wish him any good things in his life, since he's chosen to make my life so much worse than it could have been!

However, we signed the paper and paid a down payment (which he refused to return), so we're stuck with the deal, and are proceeding. Rob is working with me and has been a life-saver. We've hired an employee. Oh, and did I mention, we also had a baby during that year? Yeah... that's the main reason for the difficulties with the broker we're buying out - he objected to me being pregnant and doing the business deal. Well, I wasn't going to stop being pregnant just to make him more comfortable!

We had a beautiful baby girl named Abigail Miranda, and she is a treasure. She is bubbly and happy and cheerful all the time and is really an easy baby to have. She's four months old now and is only getting prettier and prettier.

The dogs have all taken well to her, as have the cats, and basically, I think we have the makings of a real family here. I will try to post more often to make this thing a bit more coherent, and so I don't forget all the exciting things that happen in our lives!!

J - out...

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