Friday, April 13, 2007


Wedding Foolishment

Another month – much has happened lately! We managed to get the trailer out of our yard, finally. We had to move both our summer cars from the yard to do it, but we got it out for an overnight trip a couple of weeks before the Easter long weekend here. Then, last weekend (for the Easter long weekend), we hauled down to our camping spot in the Forestry District by the Old Man River (near Coleman, Alberta). When we got down there, it was snowy and cool, but by the time we left on Sunday, it turned extremely nice, the snow all melted and I was able to sit out in the meadow in a camp chair, relaxing the heck out of things.

The trailer works really well, I’d have to say. It was very nice and warm inside the entire time, and we seem to be back on track for the camping season this year. We ran the dogs, who were totally exhausted by Saturday night. On Sunday, when Rob was puttering around on his quad, they could barely even chase after him, and barking was at a minimum.

Millie’s stitched area on her back has healed nicely. Of course, the patch of hair the vet shaved to sew her back up is growing in kind of beige, and it’s in the middle of her black saddle, so she looks pretty funny. She is also still dumb, apparently, and ran her back into the stairs on the trailer again, gouging another gash. This latest one isn’t quite as large as the last one. I would have had it stitched, but I was at a meeting when it happened, so we have left it to scab over on its own. She can’t reach it to worry it, but Beau does that for her and has picked it clean a few times now, delaying the healing process. I’m tempted to put her back in her jacket to cover it, but it’s right at the bottom of her jacket coverage, so I’m not even sure it would work, and she gets soooo itchy in that jacket!! She is funny when she’s itchy, and rubs up like a bear against everything she can find.

My sister is getting married in June this year. She’s planning to have the wedding in Banff. It’s all great, except she used this wedding coordinator, Rocky Mountain Weddings, and apparently, they’re not so hot. Her wedding has a number of out-of-town people coming, and the coordinator hasn’t put a hold on any rooms for the event, so of course the hotel where the reception is booked doesn’t have any extra rooms for Laura to hold. We’d totally secure them up front, too, as long as the guests can then make the payment arrangements themselves when they confirm bookings/reservations. Plus, two of her bridesmaids (I am the third) have cancelled (one will be too pregnant to fly out here from Onterrible, and the other seems like she’s kind of just chintzy, because she said it would be “too expensive” to come), and she needs replacements.

For my wedding, I have secured a wedding dress – a very nice one. We have started booking stuff for it, and I think we’re settled on August 25th, which is the Saturday before the Labour Day long weekend. There are many, many silly details that must be pre-arranged when planning a wedding. Personally, I don’t know if I have the patience for it. We’re going casual with ours, and plan to have it in the green space behind our house. Like a house-party on a larger scale, so friends and family can come and celebrate and have a nice time, without getting too stressed about it. Less travel for us, too, and we can keep the dogs involved in the ceremony, and stash them in the house or yard for the reception. I am actually starting to look forward to it now, which is better than before, when my attitude was more “I think I’d rather be beaten with socks full of oranges than have a wedding.”

So life is good. All except for work. My job has become fairly intolerable, and I am making exit plans. My current strategy is to just leave here and go work for myself, under a broker I know who seems amenable to the idea. It won’t be for a few more months, though, and I’ll be pretty poor when I start up, but I get money back from taxes this time around (ha!), and no time like the present to get started. Hopefully, it will all come together and this time next year, I’ll be managing my own portfolio of good properties and enjoying not having to wrangle with poor accounting and silly bosses from a silly province on the Coast. The West Coast. Populated by hippies and old people.

That’s all for now – stay well folks!

Good post.
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