Wednesday, March 01, 2006


SECOND UPDATE IN AS MANY DAYS!!! The world may, indeed, be coming to an end…

But I had to write. You see, there’s this place called I was tipped off to it by another journaller who has abandoned his old journal in favour of it.

And man! What a crazy place!! They have spaces for all sorts of pictures, and it’s easy to add ‘em in! And apparently, you can customize the pages, too, although I don’t have the time or the inclination or the aptitude to do this quickly, so my page is just a very plain page. It’s crazy!!

And apparently, you can set the settings so that only your “friends” (people on a list you make – more on this in a bit) can see your blog. So it’s attractive in that vein, for some.

I set up a profile so I can see this other blog (eventually, if he changes it to “friends-only”), and then, I set about trying to add a friend. Only, see, you have to know who these people are and actually go to their pages before you can add them. It’s a bit cumbersome, and it took me a long time to figure it out. I’m not a technophobe or anything, and I like to think I can find my way around systems pretty well, but apparently, I suck.

Kids these days. I blame them entirely. They’re all born now with iPods in their mouths, keyboards glued to their little fingers. Or are they switching now to some sort of auto-write pad or something? The next technology? I don’t know. But they’re fast on the computers, and proficient, and can write all their own pages.

Anyway, all of you who read this (and no, I don’t know who you are), should go and set up myspace profiles and invite me to be your friend. Because having only the page avatar, “Tom”, as a friend is a little depressing. I need at least three “real” friends to feel comfortable.

In further news, Fearsome continues to improve! Today, he let me open the door to his room a crack, and play stick with him. Playing stick with a cat involves rustling the stick around like prey, so he can pounce on it, not throwing it like you do for dogs. He also let me feed him, which he always does, but usually, he retreats under the bed until I leave, and then comes out to eat. This morning, though, I put his canned food out, and he came right out from under the bed and started to eat. And it’s not like he was starving, either – his dry food wasn’t gone, and he didn’t finish the plate, but at least he’s not terrified of me any more. He’s making incredible progress, and to all of you who think it’s impossible to tame a wild cat, you’re wrong. You can do it!! You just have to persevere, and have months of time at your disposal, and the will to risk your appendages at the ends of his claws.

Fearsome is so cute, with his tiny voice. Maybe I can find a way to post pictures on the myspace page ( As you can see, I don’t yet know how to do the html thing on this page, either!

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