Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Another quick update…

Good lord… the 1atatime Fundraiser is this Saturday. Where the hell does time go? I mean that actually – what is time, how do you quantify it, and where does it go? Is it a dimension? Is it a physics thing? Fuck. I should have paid more attention in school…

Anyway, so yeah. It’s coming, and fast. Things had gotten a little off the rails here earlier this week, when we had no confirmed MC, no DJ for the fashion show, no dogs ready for the show, no list of donation to the auction, and a bunch of volunteers with no schedule. So again, FUCK. On Tuesday, I got nearly enough dogs sent to the boutique for the fashion show (heh – Beau is in it, and he’ll be wearing a fricking TUXEDO, for crying out loud, and damnit it all if he doesn’t look the cutest in it…), I lined up a DJ through Rob (who is cool – thanks Sweetie!), partially convinced the MC to confirm, started a list of the donations, and printed out some tickets (we had nearly run out of tickets, too).

It felt like I had been run over by a truck.

Today, it looks like we will have an MC one way or another, which is good – I don’t want to be stuck with it. We’re doing OK with the dogs for the show. I’m madly trying to sell tickets, which are $50 in advance, $65 at the door. It just seems like there is so much to do, though. Ugh.

So this is the only chance I’ll have to update before our little soiree. I thought I’d mention how well Fearsome is doing. He’s less afraid when I pick him up, and he was interested in playing with the other cats (who all invaded his room last night), although he hung back whenever I was around. He took a few steps outside his room this morning when I accidentally left his door open (oops!), but zipped back in when I came down the hallway. Funny! I think he’s nearly ready to be released into the rest of the house, and I’m really looking forward to the time when I can pet him, and he’ll actually let himself enjoy it.

Beau, of course, had obedience class last night. He did terribly!! He broke all his “stay” commands. Even the lie-down stay, whereas he’s usually perfect at that one, because he just collapses like a little pile of laundry when you tell him to sit. He usually lies around the entire time, but last night, he got right up and came over to me at each try. Rotten dog. He did well through most of the rest of the class with his heeling, though. He’ll do pretty much anything for food. Graduation is coming up, so we have a lot of homework to do!!

Our camper still hasn’t sold yet, although we’re hopeful. Rob has another couple of people coming to look at it this week. It would be nice to have it work out that the camper sells before our new trailer comes in. I’m a little suspicious about the trailer coming in on time and with all the things we ordered. It’s not like they’re keeping in good contact with us. I’m not expecting daily updates or anything, but a call every couple of weeks might reassure me a little when I’m spending a ton of money on an RV.

I have to say, I’m not a fan of the on-call service we use here at work. They answer all the emergency calls after-hours and are supposed to page them out to the appropriate property managers. Of course, there are the occasional errors, which I can understand. However, they can’t seem to get people’s phone numbers right, the calls are never paged out to the right managers, and the agents are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Last night, I was called at 1:30a about a property we don’t even manage, about a call that was clearly not an emergency. It was about a parking stall. I don’t care what time of day it is, or what is happening, but a parking stall is NOT AN EMERGENCY!! Even if it was on fire (unlikely), it wouldn’t be something I could help them with, even if it was at one of my properties. Unless the building has collapsed, and has fallen INTO your parking stall, you should not call the after-hours emergency call-out service about a parking stall. Even then, what I could do to help you would be very, very limited. I could offer sympathy, and that’s about it. And that’s if I was in a generous mood.

At any rate, time is short, and many things are afoot. I hope I survive the weekend and can update you with many positive comments about how it went. Until then…

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