Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Well, it's about time...

It’s another couple of weeks later here, and IT. IS. STILL. RAINING!!! By now I’m sure most of the country has heard enough about the terrible flooding situation in Southern Alberta. I have to say, it’s really not that bad unless you live right against the river, which, if you do, well, sorry about your luck. If you don’t live right by a body of water, though, you’re probably alright, except that you’re probably also annoyed all to hell by this constant rain. It’s like the Chinese water torture thing, only not as sneaky. You don’t have to sit there, waiting for a drip, you just get soaked and are miserable because you’re wet and cold, and it’s the end of friggin’ June for crying out loud, and summer in Calgary lasts about three months, and we’ve already wasted one of them being RAINED ON!!!

So, again, I have to say this is just too much. We’re in the middle of another “system” and we’re supposed to get 50 mm of rain out of this one. Typically in June we can expect an average of 77 mm of rain. We have exceeded that by far this month, and in each system alone we have had more than 77 mm of rain. This is our third “large” system this month. Stupid rain.

And not only has it rained throughout June, from the very beginning now to the very end, it has been cold. Cold, cold, cold. Not being a meteorologist, I can’t tell you our average temperature this month so far, but today it is only supposed to get “up to” +15, which is colder than it should be for this time of year. Again, we only get a limited time for summer, and this month has been a total write-off so far.

On a cheerier note, my parents have returned from visiting The Mac and no one got too upset with anyone else while they were down there, so that’s a good thing. Plus, they brought me some Lands End mocs, which I love. So all is well on that front.

However, if I don’t post this now, I never, ever will. Work is insanely busy what with all the water leak calls. Let’s hope the end of June brings the END OF RAIN!!

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