Thursday, March 17, 2005


Many things, all about ME, because this is MY SITE.

Since it’s almost the weekend, I might have more entertaining stuff to tell you about on Monday, but for now, this is all you get. I’ve realized today while reading a large number of blogs that people are out there telling EVERYONE all about themselves, whereas I, usually, write stuff on this site that relates to my animals or interesting things that happen, or that I feel lucky and have a pack of animals and a pretty darn cool boyfriend. Everyone else tells you all these interesting things about themselves, so this is all about ME today!! Yay!

I’ll warn you right now – some of this won’t make any sense to you at all.

1. I think I’m smart, but sometimes, I also think I’m horribly stupid.
This isn’t exactly a revelation because I can be a pain in the ass sometimes about spelling and little known facts. But working at this job and dealing with the people all the time makes me stupid, and then I read about all these smart people on the innernet and think, Man, I’m getting dumber by the minute.

2. I like television a whooooole lot.
Some of you might know this already. I used to watch it a lot more than I do now, but Rob isn’t exactly a TV guy, so we usually end up doing things in real life more than sitting around watching TV. I kinda miss it. But this season has been shitty anyway.

3. I “secretly” want kids.
Eventually. But I don’t want to actually HAVE them, I’d like to just pick them up, pre-formed and ready to roll, preferably already talking so I don’t have to listen to them cry, from the child-store. That’s not really a secret, but I don’t go around telling everyone (until now).

4. I have less-than-perfect vision.
In a recent conversation with The Mac, he stated “You’re as blind as a mole”, to which I replied “No, I see better … than most moles”. This is, in fact, quite true. But I don’t got no 20-20 vision by any means, and I find it very hard to see in the dark.

5. I will never, ever be a showgirl.
This is probably a good thing, and I have very little desire to be an actual showgirl, but sometimes, I’d like to sing old showtunes – just me and a piano player in a lounge somewhere.

6. I love animals. More than people.
I know a lot of people say they like animals better than people, but I really mean it. Animals are really BETTER than people – in nearly all ways. People are mean, and small, and dishonest, and petty. Group-wise, they are the universe’s most abhorrent creation, although I like certain individuals out of the group. Animals – any kind, take your bears, your sharks, your moles, your crocodiles – are better than people.

7. (Further to the previous statement) I’m not crazy about monkeys or apes at all, either.
Maybe they’re too much like people. Small monkeys, true old-world monkeys like the tamarind or lemur, are alright, though.

8. I can’t drink rum.
But I can drink rye, and usually do. Oh, and wine (any sort) just kills me.

9. I dislike how I look in MOST pictures.
Yet I am compelled to look fixedly at myself in photographs, as though I am staring at a circus feature, all disfigured and totally fascinating.

10. My favourite place is my grandmother’s farm in the Eastern Townships in Quebec.
It’s the most beautiful place in the world, which is why I never have the strong desire to travel the world like most people. I already know where the best place is, so what’s the point of going everywhere else?

11. I have very good financial sense.
Except when it comes to my own finances. I hate having the money, but I like processing it. I like seeing it in my budget columns, and transferring it from one column to another.

12. Sometimes, I play dumb.
I have learned that it’s not always the best thing to say “I told you so” or divulge what I know. Playing dumb is sometimes pretty smart.

13. I colour my hair.
I colour it red. I sort of chose red because of The X-Files. And being a natural blonde might mean you have more fun, but you certainly don’t get more respect out of the deal. With red hair, people take you more seriously and are always a little more afraid of what you might do.

14. I hate shoe-shopping.
Being a girl, this probably seems out-of-character, but it’s a terrible time, shoe-shopping. I prefer to shop for sweaters to add to my nice sweater collection.

15. I don’t have any hobbies.
At least, I don’t think I do. I used to like to collect television shows off the TV on tape, but now you can just buy the DVD sets, so what’s the point? And you can’t call my sweater collection a hobby.

16. For what is the first time in my life, I’m settled and happy.
I’ve been happy before, and it’s nice and all, but what’s going on now is definitely a settled and contented sort of thing. It’s the sort of thing where I can see that my life is going the right way and I don’t have to scramble or scrape or feel pinched and worried or that something is missing. The occasional joy I used to have once in a while when things would be going well is now pervasive and more of an undercurrent to everything all the time.

17. I have a cheezie addiction.
I’ve said before how much I love the cheezie, but now I think it’s actually an addiction, like to crack or heroin. I may have to swear off them forever, like an alcoholic, dreading the day when someone I know brings them around me, shaking in cheezie-tremens late at night when I’m watching TV. I’ve tried to substitute rice chips, but it’s just not the same (like methadone, I suppose).

18. I love my sports car.
Yes, it’s a Miata. So it’s not a Ferrari. I love it all the same.

19. I get along with my parents.
For the most part. Sometimes, they drive me nuts. We did not get along when I was younger, and I’m not sure why we do now.

20. I have no tolerance for disagreement whatsoever.
If I disagree with you, I will not argue with you. If necessary, I will get up and leave. If there is disagreement, especially yelling, around me, I will leave immediately.

21. I’m scared of two things in the world: Bears and sharks.
I don’t feel those are irrational fears – bears and sharks can eat people. I’m not afraid of the Big Cats or wolves because I feel I understand them well enough to get out of a situation with them (heh), but there’s no arguing with a bear or a shark.

22. I love to get a good deal.
So does everyone, probably, but I really, really like stuff when it’s on sale, even if I don’t need it.

23. I love getting mail.
Even if it’s just stupid bills. There’s something about getting a paper letter in an envelope in the mail – the better if it’s handwritten with the kind of stamp you have to lick to get to stick (they have pre-glued ones now, of course).

24. I can cook really well.
Although Rob does most of the cooking now (yay!), there are some things that I can cook that are THE BEST! I’m not kidding. Fried chicken. Home-made chicken soup. Chicken and asparagus pasta. It’s all very fattening, of course, but if I’m gonna really cook, it better be worthwhile.

25. This list took me a really long time to make up.
Looking at me type this and ponder on it, you’d think I’d be working or something, but you’d be wrong.

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