Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Big news

Ok, are you ready for this?

Really, really ready?

Because it’s big news, for me anyway.

I’m moving. Well, I’m getting ready to move in March. I know what you’re thinking – that’s a long time to be getting ready to move, but really, it isn’t. Time is flying by, people. And where, you ask, am I moving? Into Rob’s house.

Yes, it’s a big step. It’s huge, even. It’s a fairly scary for a couple of good reasons: I’ll be leaving my own place, and I haven’t lived with anyone for ten years now; I’ll be moving into someone else’s house, and that’s a difficult adjustment for me. I’m used to having my own place, being on my own, with no one touching my stuff or eating my food, or moving things on me, or leaving dishes around…

Not that I think Rob will do any of that. That’s why I’m OK with moving in. I’m more than OK, in fact, I’m very excited about the whole thing. It’s exciting for a lot of good reasons, too, like I’ll be able to wake up with him every day, I’ll be able to have dinner with him without having to drive to his house from mine (which is about 40 km away, by the by). I’m really looking forward to it.

March 1st isn’t that far away, though, and that means I have a lot to do. I have to pack up a bunch of my stuff so I can get it out of the condo to list it. I’m hoping to sell it, and failing that, at least rent it out so it doesn’t cost me money. This means I have to clean it, too, which is harder than it sounds because the cats have managed to destroy some of the flooring, and that which is not outright destroyed and requiring replacement needs to be at least power-cleaned. Having a dog means having mud in the house whether you are careful or not. The NoodleDog is a lot better than he used to be – now, he sits at the front or back door and lets me clean his feet off before he runs through the house. But last year, there were several (many) incidents when he would come in from being out in wet weather and just zip past me right onto the WHITE carpeting that is everywhere in the house. There is more dog hair than cat hair in the place, something I never thought possible. The cats are fairly neat – if they’re going to shed, usually it’ll be in the place where they sleep (chairs, blankets, wherever). The dog sheds pretty much everywhere. I find entrenched sections of it on the stairs for crying out loud. How does he do that? I mean, he doesn’t slide up and down the stairs, scraping off fur. The stuff must just fall off him wherever he goes.

Rumble doesn’t shed much at all, and for a cat with fairly long hair, that’s a feat. He doesn’t like to be combed much either, so when he seems nice and relaxed, I try to run the comb over him, getting huge clumps of fur in it. I collect the fur and save it in a bag. That might seem like a symptom of insanity, but his fur is soooo soft and nice, I do entertain the thought of spinning it into yard and making it into a sweater or something. For now, it just stays in a bag.

Caspar and Tobey shed their fair share of hair, but they’re white, and it blends nicely into the carpet. It does not, however, blend in at all with my black pants, which they seem perversely attracted to rub against whenever I get them out.

Smudge is really too small to measure shedding quantities. Her long hair is camouflaged, as well, because it is grey, white and orange, or any combination thereof, and is very fine so it tends to blend in well with whatever it lands on.

Anyway, aside from the fur on the rugs, I think the place is alright and can be cleaned up to sell in about a month. Like I said, I’ve started packing early, so I can get most of the stuff I don’t use every day put into boxes and put away, either to wait for movers, or directly at Rob’s place in his basement. So basically, the plan is to get everything done in the condo and get it listed by early January, giving myself a couple of months to get it sold. I have to finish drywalling the basement, however, and although I can buy drywall, and probably even lean it up against the framing, mudding and taping might be a bit of a trick. Good thing I work in an industry where I know a lot of trades.

I did go into the office on Sunday, to try and clean it up a little. I hadn’t been in there to clean in, oh, about four months or so. And that last “clean” visit was more of a “dump stuff in there and run”. So I had bills sitting in there from March (really) that needed to be filed, and piles - stacks - of paper that could probably find homes in the filing cabinet under “miscellaneous” or “personal”.

But I’m optimistic and very excited about the impending move. I am never tired of spending time with Rob, and am always very happy when I know I get to see him. I’m hoping that this will carry over to living with him, and then I’ll just be happy all the time. Well, happier, anyway, because most of the time, I’m pretty content. Rob’s Christmas party was on Saturday, and before we went out, we spent about an hour sitting in the kitchen, just chatting about cars and all sorts of stuff, and I remember being happy, but it really hits me now how happy I really was. It was so nice to just sit and be with someone I care so much about. I’m very, very lucky.

So cross your fingers for me – that the packing goes alright, the cleaning isn’t too expensive and that the place sells in the allotted time.

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