Friday, August 13, 2004


Ah likes me a good cheezie...

It’s Friday, and I’m pretty glad about that. It’s also very nice out today (+30C), so I was a little sad to still be stuck in the office. But I talked with my co-worker about the kittens she is looking at to get for her daughter, and that was cheering, and I talked with Buzz about her pet options. I think she should get a kitten, and she says she’s going to get a dog. I think she should have both. Why not? Pets need homes.

So I have a date tonight, too, with that guy who has the border collie cross puppy. We are, again, taking the dogs for a walk in the big dog park. I have no other real plans for the weekend, but will probably wash the Tiny Car at some point. Usually, I’d just spin it through the no-touch car wash at the gas station nearby, but am experiencing the fallout of money-related problems from my recent vacation (i.e. I spent way too much and am not making enough to replace it).

Because I have no real news, I’d like to take this opportunity to reveal a weakness. I have several fears, and probably a few different weaknesses, and today, I’m going to talk to you a bit about my biggest food weakness, The Cheezie.

The Cheezie is sold under the brand-name Cheetos, which is a product of Frito-Lay, which is a sub-company of Hostess. The Cheezie comes in different forms: crunchy, puffs and (most recently), twists. My favourite incarnation is the puff.

Delicious, golden, buttery, cheese-flavouring-coated, the Cheezie is a joy to eat. I’m sure some of you will say you prefer the crunchy cheezie, but maybe that’s because you haven’t had a truly perfect cheezie puff.

I’d also like to mention the differences I have noted between the Canadian Cheezie (puff) and the American Cheezie (puff & twist). Twists should be similar in form & flavour to the puffs, but just twisted, but I have to say that I’m disappointed with them. The twists are too tight, for one, and due to the tight, twisty nature, the orange cheezie flavouring does not get applied in an even coat on the entire surface of the cheezie – there are pockets of un-flavoured corn-puff left exposed between the twists. This affects the overall flavour of the cheezie in that it is not cheesy enough. There is not enough flavouring to balance the corn puff.

The Canadian Cheezie is a delight, a true delight. It’s light, puffy, crispy, and flavoured just so. The American Cheezie, while very similar is quite different. First of all, it’s not flavoured quite right. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t have that buttery, melt-in-your-mouth cheezie flavour. Also, the American Cheezies don’t seem to be as crispy as the puffs in Canada. I have also noted that the plastic bag is heavier in the U.S. – is that due to our environmentally friendly packaging laws here in Canada?

I’m having a hard time because I’m really trying not to eat as many cheezies. I kind of snapped last winter and started eating them after a long cheezie-scarcity in the house. I realized they were a problem as I started to gain weight, and have been trying to stay away from them since the spring. I haven’t done too badly, but there’s a little left in the last bag I bought before I went on vacation at home. The NoodleDog likes cheezies, too, although he’s not allowed to have them. Earlier this spring, when I identified the cheezie addiction and was taking steps to wean myself off them, I had been slowly consuming a bag – about an eighth to a quarter of the bag each evening. I left the bag with about a quarter in it on the shelf in my living room (hey, I’m lazy and the kitchen is, well, not far, but not IN my living room, alright?), and when I got home from work the next day, the NoodleDog didn’t run out to greet me like he usually does. I inquired as to where he was (“Hey! Where are you?!! Why is no one coming to meet me??!!”), and went into the house. As I went into the front hall, I could see into the living room, and there was the cheezie bag, torn to shreds, lying in the middle of the living room floor. DAMN YOU NOODLEDOG!!! I was saving those cheezies for ME! He knew it was wrong, too, and put his ears down like the guilty animal he was. And I, of course, looked at him and instantly forgave him, but now store the cheezies on a much higher shelf.

I suppose I should have thanked him for saving me from eating them, but still. I had been really looking forward to a cheezie that evening.

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