Thursday, July 22, 2004


NoodleJ's first post to NoodleDog

OK. I'm not really sure how a blog works, but I'm starting one anyway. Instead of annoying my family with individual e-mails filled with neat links and stuff, I can annoy everyone all at once!!

Lessee... I have a job (boring!), a Tiny Car, and a townhouse with a very tiny yard that the pets wish was bigger, a small herd of cats, and one dog (hence the title - a Noodle Dog, although he is an actual dog, and not made of noodles. It's a term of endearment, ok?).

I'm particularly excited today because my holidays are coming up, and I am going to visit my brother, The Mac. The NoodleDog is coming, but the cats are not.

I'm starting this "blog" (and yeah, the word wigs me out a bit because it sounds... not good) because I have a lot of time on my hands since my job is boring! I used to have a very busy job where I had no time for anything at all, work work work all the time, but I quit it. I quit it to come and work here, which is a very lovely place, and the people are very nice. However, the first time I came here, early this spring, the woman I was supposed to replace "unquit", and then I had nothing to do since I was going to take over her portfolio. My boss, who is probably one of the best bosses ever, said he would still keep me on, and I could build up my own portfolio with new properties (because I manage properties), and it would all be great. Except it wasn't, and after about four days of sitting in this VERY OFFICE, losing my mind to the boredom, my friend T called and offered me her job because she was going to a Much Better one. So I jumped at the opportunity, not feeling too bad about leaving here because, really, I was just taking up resources, and they didn't NEED me.

Then I went to the Interim Job. It was fantastic, my boss was again a pretty nice person, quite smart, snazzy dresser. The entire office was staffed by women. I had never worked in a single-sex environment before, but I didn't mind it. They were all pretty nice. However... after I left here, the woman I was supposed to replace who "unquit" "requit", and my (former, at the time) boss didn't have anyone to manage that portfolio. I had recommended he contact my (former, at the time) partner, Bargains, if he ever needed anyone. She was still working at the Bad Place we had both worked, and eventually my (former, at the time) boss was able to convince her to come here.

After she got here, however, she called me lots trying to convince me to come back. After a couple of months of her doing that to me and the boss, he agreed to make me another offer. And it was a good offer, and verily, I could not refuse. I called The Mac's friend, Harrington, and told him to apply for the Interim Job, and told them I was leaving because I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to work with Bargains again. And thus, it was done, and I returned here. And coincidentally, Harrington got a much better job than he had before (well, more dough, anyway).

So I've been here for... 2.3 months, and now I'm going on holidays. That's the secret to success, people - keep moving. Anyway, the reason I have time on my hands is that instead of having a full portfolio to manage, I have only FIVE properties (which is not a lot at all, seeing that I managed over 20 at the Bad Place), and they are all small. Four of them are commercial, which means that there are not very many meetings, and one of them is in a small town not far from where I live. It also means I don't have much to do with my days, so I have a lot of time to read, surf the 'net, write e-mails to various people... I've been working on some marketing materials for this company, but it's hard because I'm not that creative. I'm not creatively-challenged or anything, but not being, say, a graphic designer, it takes me a long time to put a brochure together.

If you live in Calgary, though, and are on the Board of your condo and are unsatisfied with your current management, try looking us up. The company starts with a "G", and ends in "ateway", and you should be able to find us in the phone book. Ask for the newest manager.

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